Page 42 - 《华农农业大学学报》2020年第3期
P. 42

第 3 期     张明菊 等:黄萎病对海 / 陆嫁接棉苗叶片中 H 2O 2 、 抗病相关酶活性和 GST 、 PAL 基因表达的影响                     3 7

                     EffectsofVerticilliumdahliaeonH 2 O 2contentactivitiesofdisease
                         resisitanceGrelatedenz y mesg eneex p ressionofGSTandPAL
                              inleavesofu p landseaislandcottong raftedseedlin g s

                                   ZHANG Min gj u , ZHANG Hao , ZHU Hua g uo , XIA Qizhon g

                  Colle g eo fBiolo gyandA g riculturalResources / HubeiProvinceKe yLaborator yo fGerm p lasm
                        Im p rovementandCom p rehensiveUtilizationo fEconomicForestTreeResources ,
                                  Huan gg an g NormalUniversit y Huan gg an g438000 , China

                   Abstract Goss yp iumbarbadense / G.hirsutum g raftedcottonseedlin g s ( S / R ) wereobtainedb yuG
               sin gG.hirsutum cottonPima90 ( R ) resistanttoVerticillium wiltastherootstockandG.barbadense
               cottonvariet yEmian22 ( S ) susce p tibletoVerticillium wiltinHubeiProvinceasscion.ThediseasereG
               sistanceafterincubationofPima90 ( R ), Emian22 ( S ) andg raftedcottonseedlin g s ( S / R ) wasstudied.
               H 2O 2contentinleaveswasdetermined.ThedifferencesinthelevelsofPOD / PALenz y meactivit yand
               theex p ressionp atternsofPAL / GST g eneswerecom p ared.Resultsshowedthatwiltin gde g reeofthe
               G.barbadense / G.hirsutum g raftedcotton ( S / R ) aftertheincubationofdama g edcottonrootwith
               p atho g ensus p ensionswasbetweenthatoftherootstockPima90 ( R ) andscionEmian22 ( S ), indicatin g
               that g raftin g im p rovedtheresistanceofcottonseedlin g stoVerticillium wilt.H 2O 2contentsinleaves
               andtheenz y maticactivitiesofPODandPALinEmian22 ( S ), Pima90 ( R ) andthe g raftedcotton ( S / R )
               wereobviousl yincreasedafterincubation withVerticillium dahliae Kleb.However , H 2O 2 contentin

               leaves , PODandPALactivitiesincreasedslowl y inEmian22 ( S ), ra p idl y inPima90 ( R ), andmoderatel y
               intheS / Rg raftedcotton.Pima90 ( R ) andtheg raftedcotton ( S / R ) showedsimilartendenc yofchanG
               g in g .ResultsofrealGtimePCRshowedthatthemRNAex p ressionlevelofGST g eneinthreecottonsinG
               creasedfirstl yandthendecreased.ThedurationofGST g eneex p ressionforEmian22 ( S ), Pima90 ( R )

               andg raftedcotton ( S / R ) was8G16hand8G48h , res p ectivel y .Thep atternsofPAL g eneex p ressionin
               thethreecottonsweresimilar.Ex p ressionlevelofPAL g enewasincreasedfirstl ythendecreased , and
               increasedsubse q uentl y withtwice p eakat8hand48h.The p eakvalueinEmian22 ( S ), Pima90 ( R ) and
               g raftedcotton ( S / R ) waslow , hi g h , andmoderate.
                   Ke y words Goss yp ium s pp . ; Goss yp ium barbadense / G.hirsutum g raftedcotton ; Verticillium
               dahliae Kleb ; H 2O 2 diseaseresisitanceGrelatedenz y mes ; GST andPAL g enes

                                                                                            ( 责任编辑: 张志钰)
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