




国家自然科学基金项目“农地生态补偿与乡村生计资本积累及自生能力提升机制———以长江经济带湖北和上海段为典型 实证”(71974068);国家自然科学基金项目“农田保护补偿政策异质效应及效能提升研究———以成都、上海、苏州及广东等 典型创新实践区域为实证”(71573099).

The Selection of Housing Compensation Base for Urban Village Renewal and Its Impact on Villagers Policy Satisfaction

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    地方政府及开发商权衡城中村更新的经济成本后形成以家庭人口或农房初始 面积为基底的补偿策略.两类补偿分别侧重村民的成员权和住房资产累积量,相对获益群 体及村民政策满意度存在分化,识别其差异及关联性可为缓解补偿纠纷及后续政策优化提 供参考.本文在武汉市开展城中村更新的典型调查,比较住房补偿基底选取对村民住房资 产及政策满意度的影响.研究表明:(1)按家庭人口补偿的村民家庭户均还建住房较初始农 房面积减少129.80m2,而按住房初始面积还建的村民家庭住房面积与更新前变化不大,仅 减少14.74m2.(2)按人口补偿城中村更新还建后村民家庭之间的住房资产趋近,相对剥 夺指数从0.41降至0.10;按住房面积补偿的城中村村民的住房资产相对剥夺指数则从0.51 提升到更新后的0.54,家庭之间的住房资产差距略有增强.(3)按人口补偿使城中村原农房 面积低于400m2 的村民家庭住房面积有较大增加,其政策满意度高;而按住房初始面积还 建的城中村,原农房面积在200m2 以下的村民家庭相对受损,还建后住房资产相对剥夺指 数增加,其政策满意度低.(4)人口补偿方案考虑到原农房面积较低家庭宅基地的空间发展 权,同时避免对抢建加盖等形成的超额面积过度补偿;按住房初始面积补偿则有利于原农房 面积较大的村民家庭,但忽略了原农房面积较少家庭参与城中村更新宅基地增值收益分配 的权利.关键词 城


    Considering the economic cost of urban village renewal,local governments and developers have formalized redevelopment compensation strategies based on family population or building areas of their rural house.These two types of strategies respectively focus on membership rights of villagers and their accumulation of housing assets,so the relative benefited groups and villagers’ policy satisfaction are different.Identifying the differences will be helpful to optimize subsequent policies for alleviating social and economic disputes.We conduct a random sample survey for urban village renewal in Wuhan,in order to compare with the relationship of housing resettled strategies and villagers’ policy satisfaction.There are several results as follow.Firstly,for the program which resettled compensation based on family population,the average resettled housing area of villager households was decreased by 129.80m2.However,the average resettled housing area of households was just decreased by 14.74m2,when the compensation scheme based on the initial housing area.Secondly,for the program which resettled compensation based on villagers’ family population,the gap of housing assets among villager households was close,and the relative deprivation index decreased from 0.41 to 0.1 after the redevelopment of urban villages.However,for the program which compensation based on villagers’ building area,the relative deprivation index of housing assets of households increased from 0.51 to 0.54,and the gap of housing assets among households increased slightly.Thirdly,compensation by population has led to a significant increase in the housing area of villagers’ households in urban villages with an original farmhouse area of less than 400m2,so their level of policy satisfaction was higher.In contrast,for the program which resettled compensated according to villagers’ initial housing area,the households whose initial housing areas were less than 200m2 lost more,and their policy satisfaction was low.Lastly,the resettled program based on family population considered the homestead development rights for the households whose initial housing area was less than 400m2,and is helpful to avoid the unfair compensation for the building area over 400m2 which is mainly from illegal or rentseek construction.The resettled program based on the initial building area benefited those households with more housing areas,while ignored the land development right of rural homestead for those households whose initial housing area was less than 200m2.


蔡银莺,张小珲,杨 青.城中村更新住房补偿基底选取及村民政策满意度研究[J].华中农业大学学报(社会科学版),2021(5):138-146

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  • 在线发布日期: 2021-09-19
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