Abstract:The law of economic development shows that there are three different stages of agricultural policy according to its major objectives:the food security stage,the stage of relative poverty of farmers’ income and urban-rural integration,and the stage of high-quality agricultural development..Chinese central government proposed a new concept of “Double Economic Circulations” for future economic growth,consisting of a domestic circulation which is the main body and an external circulation.Although the share of agriculture in GDP is declining,the importance of agriculture and rural area is not in an attenuation.According to the three-stage theory,we should rethink agriculture from three different dimensions.First,from the traditional perspective,food security is still the prior goal.We should adopt new technologies,such as precision agriculture,to increase the productivity and competitiveness of agriculture.Second,from the perspective of macroeconomic development and rural-urban relationship,the large income gap between urban and rural residents and the disintegrated factor markets between urban and rural areas are the two major threats to forming a smooth domestic circulation.It is necessary to steadily increase the income level of farmers through multiple channels to narrow the income gap between urban and rural areas.This can further unlock farmers’ consumption needs and prevent rural areas from being a “dead water zone” in the domestic circulation.We also must accelerate the implement of the rural revitalization strategy to break the institutional barriers to flowing of talents,labor,land,and capital between urban and rural areas.Realizing an integrated factors market in urban and rural areas can achieve urban and rural integration.Third,from the perspective of food supply chain and high-quality growth,we should pay attention to the multifunctionality of agriculture,including nutrition and health,ecological and environmental protection,social development,cultural heritage and so on.They are vital to promote high-quality economic development and realize the bi-direction flow of urban and rural residents,which plays an important role in the formation of the smooth domestic circulation.