Abstract:Based on the theory of deprivation,using the data from RuralUrban Migration in China (RUMIC2009),then using Robust OLS regression and Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS),the article analyzes the impact of absolute deprivation,multistage deprivation and relative deprivation on the migrant workers’ mental health,and defines the above three deprivation from the perspectives of labor time,time span of working in city,participation in social insurance and the perception of income position.The research shows that: At first,the longer weekly working hours,the higher the degree of absolute deprivation,which will reduce the migrant workers’ mental health.Secondly,the increase of working year in city and the lack of social insurance will increase the degree of multistage deprivation,which has a negative effect on the mental health of migrant workers.Thirdly,whether reference is home village or urban resident,the relative deprivation will significantly reduce the migrant workers’ mental health.Meanwhile, robustness analysis using 2013 Chinese General Social Survey data(CGSS2013)also supports this conclusion.Therefore,we put forward the following suggestions.Firstly,we should protect the basic labor rights and interests of the migrant workers,control their work time in a reasonable range to avoid their longterm overload work.Secondly,it is necessary to establish a more perfect social security system,improve the welfare of migrant workers.Thirdly,it is advisable to show concern to the migrant workers’ mental health in so far as positive and effective guidance could be given in time.