Abstract:Crop straw resources abound and have great potential for use in China,but the effective use of straw resources in reality is still at a low level.The behavior of selling straw is the first step of the comprehensive utilization of straw resource,but there is a big difference in the behavior of selling straw for different farmers.Based on micro survey data collected from Weixian in Hebei province,this paper analyzes the factors influencing farmers’ decision on straw sale by the theoretical analysis framework and the binary logistic regression model.It is found that the larger area farmers planted cotton,the possibility of straw sale will be greater; the development and improvement of straw acquisition market will promote farmers to sell straw; farmers having a higher cognitive level of straw comprehensive utilization are more inclined to sell straw.Finally,this paper suggests that the government should formulate and implement policies of running agricultural business in appropriate scale,improve the market for straw sale gradually, and enhance the relevant propaganda of straw sale so as to increase the proportion of cotton straw sale for comprehensive utilization.