
谢干,张国忠,付建伟,周勇,王洋,高原,王伟康,Mohamed Anwer

华中农业大学工学院/农业农村部长江中下游农业装备重点实验室,武汉 430070

摘要 为降低功耗,同时减少脱粒滚筒堵塞,提高水稻联合收获机收获效率,设计了一种鼓形杆齿式纵轴流脱粒滚筒,并对其功耗进行了仿真与试验研究。以具有相同外部尺寸的圆柱形杆齿式纵轴流脱粒滚筒为对照,以脱粒滚筒旋转轴总力矩为试验指标,进行了基于离散元法的对比试验,结果显示:相同喂入量下,2种结构的脱粒滚筒旋转轴总力矩存在明显差异,鼓形滚筒旋转轴总力矩小于圆柱形滚筒,且随喂入量增大,差异越大。与仿真条件一致的2种脱粒滚筒结构功耗对比台架试验结果表明,在喂入量为0.8~1.6 kg/s时,随喂入量增加,滚筒功耗增大,与相同外部尺寸的圆柱形滚筒相比,鼓形结构的脱粒滚筒功耗平均降低5%~15%。

关键词 水稻收获; 联合收获机; 脱粒分离装置; 纵轴流; 脱粒滚筒; 离散元; 功耗; 脱粒性能; 轻量化

脱粒分离装置功耗是联合收获机动力的主要消耗支出,减少该功耗对联合收获机向大喂入量、轻量化、高效率方向发展具有重要意义[1-2]。纵轴流式脱粒分离装置因具有脱粒时间长、脱粒过程柔和、适应性好等优点在联合收获机上被广泛使用,但同时也存在功耗大、脱出茎秆碎、含杂率高等问题[3-4]。因此,国内外学者对此进行了大量研究。Miu等[5]研究了轴流脱粒滚筒工作原理,并建立了脱分与功耗的数学模型。Ahorbo [6]设计了一种小型轴流钉齿式水稻脱粒机,并测量滚筒脱粒过程中的扭矩与功耗。张认成等[7]在变质量系统的基本原理基础上,建立了与试验基本一致的较完善的动力学模型和滚筒功耗模型。李耀明等[8]准确测定了轴流脱粒滚筒的瞬时功耗,分析了不同阶段的功耗变化,进一步探讨了齿间距、脱粒间隙、滚筒转速、草谷比、喂入量等因素对脱粒分离性能和功耗的影响。卢文涛等[9]建立了谷物的含水率与脱粒功耗之间的关系,结果表明随谷物含水率增加,脱粒功率先增加后减小。



1 材料与方法

1.1 鼓形脱粒滚筒结构及工作原理


1.轴头 Shaft head; 2.尾幅盘 Trailer plate; 3.鼓形齿杆 Drum-shaped gear rod; 4.脱粒齿 Threshing gear; 5.齿杆安装板 Gear rod mounting plate; 6.螺旋叶片 Spiral blade; 7.前法兰 Front flange; 8.前圆盘 Front disc; 9.锥形筒体 Conical cylinder; 10.后圆盘 Rear disc; 11.轴管 Shaft tube; 12.中幅盘 Middle plate;13.后法兰 Rear flange.

1 鼓形杆齿式纵轴流脱粒滚筒结构

Fig.1 The structure of the drum-shaped rod-tooth longitudinal axial flow threshing cylinder

A:齿杆 Gear rod; B:幅盘 Frame.

2 齿杆与幅盘结构

Fig.2 Structure of gear rod and frame

鼓形脱粒滚筒主要参数为:设计喂入量为1.6 kg/s、滚筒直径370 mm、长度1 360 mm、脱粒齿高度50~70 mm、杆齿总数87、齿迹距40 mm。螺旋喂入头筒体的小端直径和大端直径分别为230、270 mm,螺旋头数为23,长度193 mm,叶片外径380 mm。


3 鼓形杆齿式纵轴流脱粒滚筒工作原理示意图

Fig.3 Schematic diagram of the working principle of the
drum-shaped rod tooth longitudinal axial flow threshing drum

1.2 鼓形脱粒滚筒功耗分析














1.3 离散元仿真试验


模型建立及参数设定。脱粒分离装置内脱出的混合物包括籽粒、短秸秆、颖壳、轻杂物等,但其主要成分为籽粒和短秸秆,其质量占混合物的95%以上[15],为简化颗粒模型的种类以提高仿真效率,在仿真过程中仅考虑籽粒和短秸秆的影响。其中,将水稻籽粒简化成具有同体性质的均匀线弹性材料的椭球体,长度为6.5 mm,长度方向上最大截面圆直径为3.5 mm。按照脱出混合物中短秸秆的实际尺寸,将其简化为由34个直径为4 mm的球形颗粒叠加而成的圆柱体,长度为70 mm,如图4所示。


A:籽粒 Grains; B:短秸秆 Short straw.

4 水稻籽粒与短秸秆模型

Fig.4 Model of rice grain and short straw

1 物料与脱粒装置相互作用参数
Table 1 Interaction parameters of material and threshing device

接触对象Contactobject恢复系数Coefficientof restitution静摩擦系数Coefficient ofstatic friction滚动摩擦系数Coefficient ofrolling friction 籽粒-籽粒Between grainsand grains0.21.000.01籽粒-短秸秆Between grains and short straw0.20.800.01籽粒-装置Between grains andthreshing device0.50.580.01短秸秆-短秸秆Between short straw and short straw0.20.900.01短秸秆-装置Between short strawand threshing device0.20.800.01

2 物料与脱粒装置力学特性参数
Table 2 Mechanical characteristic parameters
of materials and threshing device

模型Model泊松比Poisson’sratio剪切模量/MpaShearmodulus密度/(kg/m3)Density籽粒Grains0.3261 350短秸秆Short straw0.410100脱粒装置Threshing device0.370 0007 800

建立2个颗粒工厂,分别为水稻籽粒颗粒工厂和短秸秆颗粒工厂,依照全喂入纵轴流脱粒分离装置脱出物中短秸秆质量约占总质量的30%来分别设置不同的喂入量[32],颗粒生成的时间为2 s,仿真总时间为5 s。据实际情况,颗粒产生于脱粒分离装置的喂入口处,查阅资料知,联合收割机的中间输送装置的输送速度为2~4 m/s,实际作业时输送槽相对于脱粒分离存在一定的夹角,为方便计算,取颗粒的初速度在轴向上和垂直于轴向上的分量都为2 m/s,则二者的合速度为2.8 m/s,转速设定为1 100 r/min。设定计算时间步长为Rayleigh时间步长的10%,输出时间步长为0.01 s。

1.4 台架试验

1)试验装备。试验台架由湖南农友机械集团股份有限公司生产的“4LZ-1.6”的小型纵轴流联合收割机改装而成,在滚筒顶盖上开有长度为1 000 mm、角度为90°的缺口,采取5 mm厚的亚克力板覆盖以便于对脱粒滚筒物料运动进行观察,采用北京天宇恒创传感技术有限公司生产的CYT-302型动态扭矩传感器和CYT-30B系列扭矩转速功率测试仪对脱粒滚筒的扭矩、转速、功耗进行实时测量,采用M400数据采集软件通过计算机串口对测试仪上的数据进行采集、显示、储存,试验台架如图5所示。

5 试验台架

Fig.5 Test bench

2)试验方法。输送带总长6.0 m,输送带速度控制为1.0 m/s,首端空余1.0 m,输送带后5.0 m部分均匀铺放水稻秸秆,目的是使输送带获得稳定的传输速度后再喂入水稻以保证喂入量准确均匀,凹板筛下方的接料装置对脱出物进行收集,排草口下方采用油布对排出的混合物进行收集[16]。试验地点为华中农业大学机电训练中心,主要试验水稻品种为丰两优香1号,脱粒时测得的平均茎秆长度为78.2 cm,籽粒千粒重32.4 g,草谷比1.96,籽粒含水率20.6%,茎秆含水率73.6%[17]

2 结果与分析

2.1 仿真结果


6 脱粒仿真模型

Fig.6 Simulation model of threshing

分别在0.8、1.2、1.6 kg/s的喂入量下计算2种结构脱粒滚筒受到的总力矩均值。相同结构的滚筒尺寸以及运动参数下,脱粒滚筒旋转轴总力矩随喂入量的增大而增大,喂入量从0.8 kg/s增加到1.6 kg/s时,鼓形脱粒滚筒旋转轴总力矩从38.12 N·m增加到118.99 N·m,圆柱形脱粒滚筒总力矩从60.13 N·m增加到189.91 N·m,2种滚筒结构的旋转轴总力矩有显著性差异;相同喂入量下,鼓形脱粒滚筒旋转轴总力矩低于圆柱形脱粒滚筒。

对此结果进一步分析,在喂入量1.6 kg/s、仿真2 s时刻,用EDEM后处理软件在垂直于X轴的平面上任取3个截面,其截面的位置如图7所示。图7中O为几何体在X方向上的中心面与脱粒滚筒轴的交点,为便于说明,以O为原点,建立如图7所示直角坐标系,取得3个截面位置分别为X1X2X3,其中X1=-450 mm,贴近喂入口的位置,X2=0,为脱粒滚筒在X方向上的中心面,X3=450 mm,靠近排草口的位置,从而分别获得鼓形滚筒和圆柱形滚筒在X1X2X3处的截面图。

7 截面位置

Fig.7 Position of sectional


A:鼓形滚筒 Drum roller; B:圆柱形滚筒 Cylindrical roller.

8 2种不同结构滚筒作业过程中仿真截面图

Fig.8 Cross-sectional view of simulation during the
operation of the roller with two structures

为研究脱粒过程中2种不同结构脱粒滚筒所受的阻力随时间的变化规律,进一步对仿真过程进行分析。在T=0 s时刻谷物分别按照设定的喂入量喂入,持续喂入时间为2 s,随后谷物停止喂入,仿真时间为5 s。在上述仿真条件下,分别在喂入量为0.8、1.2、1.6 kg/s下提取脱粒滚筒旋转轴瞬时总力矩,脱粒过程中2种不同结构脱粒滚筒受到的总力矩随脱粒时间的变化关系如图9所示。由图9可知,脱粒滚筒对作物的作用过程波动复杂,鼓形滚筒总力矩总体低于圆柱形滚筒,2种结构的脱粒滚筒总力矩随时间的变化规律基本一致,总力矩在0~1.5 s迅速增加,在1.5~2.0 s总力矩在一个较高的范围波动,并在2.0 s时刻达到最大峰值,在2.0~5.0 s总力矩总体开始缓慢下降。以上变化与混合物料从进入到充满整个滚筒以及排出的过程相符合。

A:0.8 kg/s; B:1.2 kg/s; C:1.6 kg/s.

9 总力矩随时间变化

Fig.9 Change of total torque with time

2.2 台架试验结果



A:圆柱形脱粒滚筒 Cylindrical roller; B:鼓形脱粒滚筒 Drum roller.

10 脱粒滚筒实物

Fig.10 Physical picture of threshing drum

实线表示台架试验条件下试验结果,虚线表示仿真试验条件下的试验结果。The solid line indicates the test result under the bench test condition,and the dotted line indicates the test result under the simulation test condition.

11 脱粒滚筒结构对功耗的影响

Fig.11 Influence of threshing drum structure on power

3 讨 论

本研究设计了一种喂入量为1.6 kg/s的鼓形杆齿式纵轴流脱粒分离装置,并与具有相同外部尺寸的圆柱形脱粒滚筒进行了基于离散元法的仿真对比试验研究,在此基础上搭建小型纵轴流脱粒分离装置性能测试平台,以湖北地区广泛种植的“黄华占”和“丰两优香一号”为试验材料,进行了与仿真条件一致的台架试验,仿真试验与台架试验结果均表明:在喂入量为0.8~1.6 kg/s时,在不影响脱粒滚筒脱粒性能的基础上,鼓形脱粒滚筒在功耗上比相同外部尺寸的圆柱形滚筒平均降低5%~15%,但也存在脱出物含杂率偏高的问题,不利于后期的清选。此外,由于条件的限制,所设计的脱粒分离装置尚未进行田间试验,相比台架试验理想可控的试验条件,田间试验的状况更加的复杂多变。针对上述问题,后期将进一步对鼓形滚筒结构的具体参数进行优化设计,以期找到最佳结构参数并开展田间试验。

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Comparing power consumption of drum and cylindrical rod-tooth longitudinal axial flow threshing roller

XIE Gan,ZHANG Guozhong,FU Jianwei,ZHOU Yong,WANG Yang,GAO Yuan,WANG Weikang,MOHAMED Anwer

College of Engineering,Huazhong Agricultural University/Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Key Laboratory of Agricultural Equipment in Mid-Lower Yangtze River,Wuhan 430070,China

Abstract Rice is one of the staple food crops in China and one of the three staple food crops all over the world. The combine harvester has been widely used due to the improved level of rice-harvesting mechanization year by year. The longitudinal axial-flow threshing and separating device is of widespread use in combine harvester because of its advantages of long threshing time,soft threshing process and good adaptability. However,the device has the disadvantages of high power consumption,broken stalks and high content of impurity. The power consumption of the device plays an important part in the combine harvester. The researches on energy saving and consumption reduction have great significance for developing combine harvester with large feeding capacity,lightweight and high efficiency. In order to reduce the power consumption and blockage of threshing roller,then improve the harvesting efficiency of rice combine harvesters,a new longitudinal axial-flow threshing roller with drum-shaped rod-tooth was designed based on the idea that the power consumption of the threshing roller can be reduced by improving the uniformity of the longitudinal axial-flow threshing roller power consumption along the axial direction. Its structural parameters and motion parameters were determined by analyzing the working principle of the device. The models of power consumption and threshing roller dynamic were established by observing the process of threshing and separation. Based on the EDEM simulation analysis,the instantaneous total torque of rotating shaft of threshing roller with time was simulated and studied with feeding rate of 1.2 kg/s and rotating speed of 1 100 r/min. Taking the total torque of the rotating shaft of the threshing roller as the test index,the performance of the two kinds of rollers was compared with the feeding rate of 0.8 kg/s,1.2 kg/s and 1.6 kg/s. The results showed that the total torque of the rotating shaft of the threshing roller increased with the increase of the feeding rate for the same roller size and motion parameters. When the feeding rate increases from 0.8 kg/s to 1.6 kg/s,the total torque of the drum-shaped threshing roller rotating shaft increases from 38.12 N·m to 118.99 N·m,and the cylinder-shaped threshing roller increased from 60.13 N·m to 189.91 N·m. Under the same feeding rate,the total torque of rotating shaft of drum-shaped threshing roller is lower than that of cylinder-shaped threshing roller. The performance testing platform of a small longitudinal axial-flow threshing and separating device was designed and built. The power consumption comparison bench test of two kind structures of threshing roller under conditions consistent with the simulation was carried out. The results showed that the power consumption of drum-shaped threshing roller and cylinder-shaped threshing roller increased from 4.88 kW to 11.20 kW and from 5.58 kW to 12.20 kW in the feeding rate range of 0.8-1.6 kg/s. Compared with the cylinder-shaped threshing roller with the same external size,the power consumption of drum-shaped threshing roller is lower than that of cylinder-shaped threshing roller. The results of bench test and simulation are basically consistent. It will provide a reference for designing the drum structure of the rice low-power threshing roller.

Keywords rice harvest; combine harvester; threshing and separating device; longitudinal flow; threshing roller; discrete element; power consumption; threshing performance; light weight

谢干,张国忠,付建伟,等. 鼓形与圆柱形杆齿式纵轴流脱粒滚筒功耗对比试验[J].华中农业大学学报,2021,40(1):202-209.


收稿日期: 2020-08-05

基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFD0300907-04);中央高校基本科研业务费专项 (2662018PY038);湖北省高等学校优秀中青年科技创新团队计划项目(T201934)



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